The Housing and Mortgage Crisis
Everyone bets on inflation. People obtained mortgages which were difficult to pay. But in the past as the years went by and inflation raised wages and prices the mortgage became easier to pay. Then the rules changed. Layoffs due to free trade agreements ( Democrats and Republicans ) made the mortgages impossible to pay.
People forgot something, we are living in a managed economy, and the people are not managing it
People apply for mortgages in a controlled banking environment. All Land in the United States is already owned by someone. Jobs in the controlled economy were sent to other countries, so people cannot pay for their houses.
The party line of the Republicrats is to blame the victim and offer a patchwork of taxpayer funded programs to help those who cannot pay. Apartment Dwellers will end up paying for a house for someone else.
Metacomet: ‘I claim this land because we are on it’ |
Jauque Cartier: ‘I claim this land for the Kind of France’ |
Balboa ‘I claim the Pacific Ocean for Spain’ |
‘Brewster and the Pilgrims claim the land for England ‘ |
‘We claim this little farm because we built it’ |
‘I claim all of this, and more, because I own the government and I shipped out your jobs so you cannot pay your mortgage nor rent, and so you will own and control nothing’ |
Response of the government
Libertarian Solutions of Robert Underwood,
Candidate for the United States Senate
First of all, the real problem is jobs. The sub-prime mortgage was created for people who could not qualify for a conventional mortgage. Had people’s jobs not been exported to cheap labor countries they would have qualified.
The present immigration policy is to dump large numbers of people into the Unites States, thus bringing down wages, so it is not surprising that people are unable to pay their mortgage or rent.
It is ignorant to expect that any group is going to consent to not owning anything just to satisfy some laisez faire capitalist theory.
I would end or drastically reduce immigration until our house is back in order where people are getting good jobs and making enough money to support themselves. I would also get out our of foreign wars, they use up money and resources that are needed at home. The same is also true of foreign aid.
Vote Libertarian
Vote Robert Underwood
United States Senate